Saturday, April 3, 2010

Final Submission Drawings

Although a few different attempts of parti diagrams have been produced during the past few weeks, the 3 major diagrams which represent courtyard circulation, room matrix and room corridor were presented in the final submission. The reason why they've been selected is that they illustrated the most significant feature within its architectural structure. The first diagram shows the circulation of courtyard as it was built as a courtyard house. In the first diagram, thick line has been used to emphasis the outline of courtyard so that the shape of it has become clear. The arrow shows the relationship and the connection between 3 courtyards; Second diagram illustrates the main structure and room matrix within the building; The main purpose of the last diagram is to show the corridor within the building. The whole structure of this building were presented in a geometrical way to emphasis corridor within a clear structure.

(I would like to note that in this scan image, the effect shows differently from the original drawing. The original effect has fade away here because of scanning.)

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